If your Study permit expiry is before the date when you are likely to complete your program, you must apply to extend your study permit well in time.
In case you fail to apply for an extension before the expiry of your study permit, you risk losing your status as a student in Canada, and studying without the permit or study authorization can have serious consequences.
We recommend you to apply at least 3 or 4 months before your due date of expiry. A Study permit extension can be applied from within Canada.
If your study permit expires while awaiting a new study permit, your student status is maintained and you may continue to study and work authorized by your most recent study permit.
When applying for a study permit extension, make sure you have the following things handy:
Is your study permit nearing its expiry? Apply for an extension without wasting any time.
Talk to us to discuss your specific circumstances.
Study Permit expired? Contact us immediately to know about restoring your Student Status.
losing your status or the permit for a student visa
during the stay including procuring the important documents
for a consultant to facilitate the extension process
of the study permit fee as well as the restoration fee (if required)
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